Between Desire and Denial

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Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

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Dimitri Hardy and I were never really supposed to be friends. He was a risky, over-the-top investor. I was trying to avoid the glamorous lifestyle my parents had raised me in. He was fun and laid back. I was wound tight and dramatic. He had his life put together. I did not. So having Dimitri witness my breakup was a low moment. Especially since my boyfriend was also my professor,...Read More

Between Desire and Denial

Best eBook Deal

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $4.99.

Book description

Dimitri Hardy and I were never really supposed to be friends. He was a risky, over-the-top investor. I was trying to avoid the glamorous lifestyle my parents had raised me in. He was fun and laid back. I was wound tight and dramatic. He had his life put together. I did not. So having Dimitri witness my breakup was a low moment. Especially since my boyfriend was also my professor,...Read More

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